There is an energetic line running through your body.

Through your Line, you’re receiving Divine guidance of love and support.

These are called messages, and they’re running through your Line every second of every day.

Your messages are sent to you from a nonphysical realm called the Akashic Records. The Records hold information on everything your soul has ever experienced, in this life and in every other one it’s ever had.

You can use your messages to learn how you can align with the most authentic, compassionate and embodied expression of your energy. This is called your Highest Self.

At A Line Within, we support you in learning how to receive your messages so you live as the person your soul is here to be.


You are always receiving Divine guidance through your Line. These are called your messages. They enter through the crown of your head, travel down the midline of your body, and exit out your feet, where they’re activated by the Earth, before returning to your body for you to receive.

How to Receive Your Messages

Good news — you’re already receiving your messages! What you need to learn is how to spot the messages that are coming through your Line right now.

You can receive messages in so many different ways! You may feel them in your body, as tingles, sensations or emotions.

You can receive them as internal communication (an inner voice), a vision or a memory from this or another life. Messages can also be external signs, like repeating numbers or animal sightings.

You can also do a Line Activation whenever you want to receive a message or ask for specific guidance.


The Line Activation is a quick meditation practice designed to support you in receiving, understanding and integrating your messages into your life.

It strengthens your connection to your Line, helps you receive your messages, and allows you to ask for specific guidance or advice.

How to Understand Your Messages

Your messages are designed just for you and you receive them in the exact moment you need to receive their love and support.

Sometimes the meaning of a message will be very clear, especially if it’s like an inner voice guiding you to do something. Other times, your messages will be a physical feeling, a seemingly random thought, or an external sign of confirmation — and these can be more difficult to decipher.

For those messages, you must learn to trust yourself and your ability to know what they mean. The best way to build trust is to become consciously aware of the messages you receive.

When you feel you’ve received a message, write it down. This validates your experience to yourself. It’s like saying, “Yes, I did in fact receive a message, and yes, I do know what that message looked like or felt like.”

You may not know the meaning right away, but if you hold that message in your awareness the meaning will come to you.

To help you develop the foundations of using your messages, check out THE ESSENTIALS workshop.

We have developed many workshops to help you receive your messages with greater clarity and use them to understand your past lives, soul’s home, and the life you’re here to live.


How to Start Using Your Line Today

  1. Activate your Line every day

    This will help you open your awareness to the many ways you receive messages. You can ask for specific advice or you can be open to receiving what you need to know in the moment. Everything you receive is delivered in divine timing.

  2. Write down your messages

    You’re more likely to remember your messages when you write them down. It’s also helpful to look back on past messages to understand them deeper or make connections among everything you’re receiving.

  3. Listen to yourself

    With every decision, big or small, listen to yourself first. Release expectations of what you think you should do or what other people are telling you to do and listen to that voice deep within you, guiding you into alignment with your Highest Self.


Are you ready to deepen your connection to your soul? Our one-of-a-kind Akashic Records trainings teach you to read the Akashic Records and channel Light Language. Learn from Ashley, plus receive monthly mentorship to support your practice.

Are the Line and the Akashic Records the Same Thing?

Your Line connects you to the realm of your Akashic Records, and you’re receiving guidance from this realm every moment of every day. But using your Line and reading your Akashic Records are not the same thing.

The Line is a quick and easy way of accessing the information within your Akashic Records without a formal practice, prayer, or ritual.

Energy is moving fast, messages are coming through quickly, and the Line matches the speed of our time by providing guidance in the exact moment you need it.

Using your Line and reading your Akashic Records go hand in hand. Our community has found great support in using their Line as their main source of information and then supplementing with the Records when needed.

To learn how to read your Akashic Records, check out our trainings.


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Join GUIDED and be supported in learning how to use your Line to discover your soul’s purpose, express your gifts, and align with the life your soul is here to experience.

For less than $2/day you’ll receive access to all our workshops and Akashic Records trainings, exclusive monthly support from Ashley in THE TOOLS, weekly ceremonies, and a soul-aligned, supportive community.