1. Start Here

This opening module prepares you for this workshop by introducing you to the main concepts we teach at A Line Within. Therefore, it is much longer than the others.

If you find this is a lot of information to process and integrate, give yourself time to allow this wisdom to settle into you. Move on to the next module only when you feel comfortable with the foundations set out for you in this module.

There’s also a handy FAQ included to answer some questions that may come up for you, especially as you learn to activate your Line.

You’re Always Receiving the Guidance You Need

Right now, you are receiving guidance from a higher realm. In fact, you’ve been receiving this guidance from the moment you took your first breath, and you’ll keep receiving guidance until your soul leaves your physical body. In every second of every day, you’re being guided.

This guidance is called a “message.”

Your messages have a clear purpose: to guide you in this life on Earth.

They draw from the wisdom of everything your soul has ever experienced, in this life and in every other.

You can use your messages to help make the most aligned decision, to learn more about who you are at a soul level, to piece together past lives, and to walk your Highest Path of Destiny.

When you allow yourself to be guided by your messages, your life will never be the same again!

Where Are Your Messages Coming From?

Your messages come from your Akashic Records.

Your Akashic Records are like an energetic library that records everything your soul experiences, in every form it takes and every life it incarnates into.

Everything you do, everything you think, everything you feel — it’s all preserved in your Akashic Records.

Your messages take the information from your Akashic Records that’s most relevant to you at the moment you receive it. Whatever the specific message is, it will guide you to act as the most aligned, loving, and Divine version of you.

This version of you is called your Highest Self. And so, in a sense, you’re being guided by yourself – the Highest expression of you!

But here’s the great thing: you don’t need to “enter” your Akashic Records to receive this information.

How Do You Receive Your Messages?

Running through you (and everyone) is an energetic Line. This Line is your direct connection to the Akashic Records.

Every message you receive travels through your Line as an energetic transmission.

Your messages begin their journey from the realm of your Akashic Records, which is in the Pleiades star cluster.

They travel all the way to Earth and enter your body through the crown of your head, run down the centre of your body, and exit out through your feet.

Your messages are then activated by the life-giving energy of the Earth. From there, they run back up your Line for you to receive.

This may seem like a long physical journey. But your messages aren’t physical; they’re energetic and they travel at a speed that is imperceptibly fast.

This process is also automatic. You don’t need to do anything for your messages to start coming to you.

It is also continuous. At any given point in your day — even right now — you’re receiving messages.

How Do You Know What Your Messages Are?

A message is guidance from your Highest Self, an energetic transmission just for you and delivered in Divine love at the exact moment you need it.

What a message will look like will differ from person to person and learning to spot your messages will take practice.

Generally, there are two aspects of a message:

  1. The communication you receive

  2. The energetic feeling you experience

The communication you receive is the “content” of your message. It can be about anything, but it will always be clear, concise, and actionable – meaning, it will guide you to do something, even if that something is to remain still and do nothing.

A feeling always accompanies a message. You can feel messages in your heart, filling you up with love. Or in your belly, like a gut instinct. They can even shift your mood. And even though they’re delivered in love, they can sometimes feel painful, like a headache or tension in the jaw, which tells you that you’re holding onto energy in your body that needs to be released.

How Do You Receive Messages?

You can receive your messages by aligning with the energetic frequency of your Line.

There is a simple practice called a Line Activation that helps you do this. It combines deep breathing with a few short repetitions of arm movements.

The purpose of the Line Activation is to turn your awareness on to this energy and to your messages.

It gets you familiar with what it feels like to be in the frequency of your messages.

It’s important to know what this feels like because your messages come to you in this frequency. In other words, your messages will feel the same as this.

Take time to get familiar with this energy. After you activate your Line, sit in this energy. Be still and open. Allow anything and everything to come through. Don’t try to silence your mind. Notice everything and see what aligns with this feeling and what pulls you away from this feeling.

When you’re in this frequency, you can ask for specific guidance, instead of waiting to receive. Try it out – ask for guidance on a specific situation you’re currently in.

Watch this video to learn from Ashley how to activate your Line.

How Do Messages Change Your Life?

When you start noticing your messages, you might be surprised by how small or insignificant they seem.

There’s a reason for this.

Every small message you receive adds up to big change in your life.

Your experience in this life is a journey. Every step you take determines where you’ll end up. But you can’t skip ahead.

Every message is a single step, and each step helps you grow into the person your soul is here to be.

This growth will look like small changes in your life, such as how you spend your time, what activities you prioritize, and who you socialize with.

The more you grow, the different messages you will receive. Some may be “bigger” but there is always a series of small messages that lead you to the “big” ones.

Let’s say you received a message to go to a certain place at a certain time and it resulted in a drastic change in your life. You may have thought, “Wow, that was a BIG message!”

However, for you to receive that message and act on it, you need to look back and see everything you received that prepared you for that moment, every message you acted on, no matter how small.

They are all important because they got you where you needed to be. You couldn’t have received that “big” message without acting on all the small ones leading up to it.

Pay attention to all your messages, however small or insignificant they seem, because each one is leading you somewhere your soul wants to be.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • When you’re first starting this practice, sit in Activation for at least 5 minutes so you can get to know how this energy feels to you.

  • No, you can sit, stand, or lie down. Find a comfortable position that supports your awareness of your messages and frequency of your Line. Experiment with different positions or locations and see what feels most supportive to you.

  • The Line Activation will offer you peace, calm, and perspective. Sometimes, it may also provide you with an emotional release.

    You may feel tingling, like your senses are awakening, a lightness in your head, an expansion of your heart space, or an extension of your spine. Your hands and feet may tingle or even feel hot. These are all indications of energy activating within you and are safe physical responses.

    Depending on how closed you are to your energy, you may feel pressure in your head and neck as you open up and release stuck energy. The more you continue with this practice, the lighter you will feel.

  • Yes! The movement and breathing of the Line Activation will move energy around in your body and shift your frequency. You’ll feel a release as your emotional state changes.

  • The Pinnacle shared with me that great transformation is completed in series of four (mirroring the four-season cycle of the natural world). You should be completing the four sequences but you can do more if you need more time to align with the frequency of your Line.

  • You may find yourself in a public setting where you need to manage your energy but don’t feel comfortable doing the arm movements. In these cases, focus on your breath and set the intention to align with the frequency of your Line. If it helps, close your eyes and visualize energy running up and down your body. Your intention is always what matters most.

  • If the word visualize is confusing or discouraging for you, I invite you to replace it with daydream or imagine.

    It’s also important to mention that holding a vision takes focus, practice, and determination. If you’re new to visualization, your brilliant and busy mind may likely do anything it can to distract you. Your ego, fears and other thoughts may enter. Work on this as you would to develop any other skill.

  • If you decided to learn a new language today, would you expect yourself to be fluent tomorrow? You’re learning a new language, your soul language, and if you’ve never paid attention to it, it can take time to fully receive and believe it.

    Give yourself patience and space to grow within this practice. It will come because it is all within you.

  • It’s important to practice the Line Activation without an expectation of when messages will come through for you or what they’ll be about. This practice is about developing your awareness – to your messages, yes, but first to the frequency of your Line.

    If you don’t feel you’re receiving your messages, pay attention to the energy you’re aligning with as you activate your Line. What does it feel like to you? How did you feel before activating your Line and how do you feel after

    The Pinnacle have said to “use your emotions as your compass.” Notice how you feel before, during and after each Line Activation.

    As you sit in Activation, be open to anything that comes through. Every thought, sensation, and emotion. Notice how each one makes you feel. Is there something that resonated with your soul? Did you feel an expansion in your heart? That’s a message.

  • Welcome them, observe them, and embrace them. This practice isn’t about having a still, silent and quiet mind. It’s about receiving everything that’s come through for you, including your thoughts, because your messages are often within your thoughts.

    Your mind plays a key role in translating your messages into the physical realm. Your thoughts, conscious and subconscious, are important to observe.

    Everything you receive during your Line Activation, even your thoughts, has a deeper meaning. Allow it all to come through.


2. Realization